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At Least Six Dead Seven Injured In Hamburg Attack

Tragedy Strikes: Multiple Deaths in Jehovah's Witness Church Shooting

At Least Six Dead, Seven Injured in Hamburg Attack

A horrifying incident has unfolded in Hamburg, Germany, shattering the peace of a Jehovah's Witness church. Thursday night's shooting has claimed the lives of at least six individuals, while seven others have sustained injuries.

Eyewitness Accounts Paint a Grim Picture

Witnesses recall the chaos and terror as gunfire erupted within the Kingdom Hall, a place where members of the Jehovah's Witness community gather for worship. According to CNN affiliate RTLNTV, the assailant opened fire, leaving a trail of victims in his wake.

Initial reports indicate that the gunman ultimately took his own life after the shooting. Authorities are currently investigating the motive behind the attack.

Deutsche Welle, Germany's international news channel, is providing ongoing updates on the tragedy. Stay tuned for further developments as the story unfolds.
